Garden Street Garden, South Yarra | Weekly local business feature

Garden Street Garden, South Yarra | Weekly local business feature

Indoor plants at Garden Street Garden

Garden Street Garden specialises in a wide range of indoor, shade and feature plants. They also provide consultations for homes, apartments, balconies and office fit-outs. 

What’s in the name ?

As the store is located on Garden Street, it was the perfect fit! It feels like a little
private garden, tucked away from the hustle and bustle of Chapel Street.

What was the inspiration to start your business?

We first started as a store for pots however the request for plants to go with them was growing. Back then, there weren't any plant shops in the area so we decided to take the opportunity to fill the gap.

What brings a smile to your face when working?

  • Interacting with customers and helping them find a plant that suits their needs
  • Building customers confidence and skill with plants by sharing our knowledge and tips, ensuring the plant they select will suit the right spot in their home or office.

Our team are passionate about creating a personalised service and experience that is tailored to each individual.

How would you like people to remember about your products or service?

We want to be remembered for a positive experience by everyone. This also includes our staff as we strongly believe in having a healthy and happy environment in our store. We strive hard to build customer relationships, learn about our customers and their plant profiles.
Instagram: @gardenstreetgarden
Facebook: Garden Street Garden
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